Design News
Context Over Consistency
Generally you should keep the look of your UI elements consistent throughout the site. Dmitry Fadeyev argues about the exceptions.
Websites you Shouldn´t have missed in JULY 2008
Today we have a round up of useful CSS, Ajax, Tutorials, tools, Graphics, WordPress and articles we´ve found in JULY that is worth your time.
CSS Frameworks summary
A summary of 15 CSS frameworks out there for you to harness.
Editing Screenshots
As designers we sometimes edit screenshots for revisions to save time, Johnny explains how to do it 'visually' on the site before screencaping it!
Cymbolism is a tool that uses "group think" to help designers choose the best colors for the desired emotional effect.
Gamespot redesign (beta)
Gamespot has a new beta design- they call it GameSpot Wide. I love the changes.
JavaFX Crash Course
A crash course of Java's JavaFX Script programming language.
200+ Resources for Freelance Web Designers
Massive collection of resources for freelance web designers, broken down into two major sections: business resources and design/development resources.